DAP conducts training on Strategic Planning

The Development Academy of the Philippines’ Center for Governance-Operations Management Office conducted the Training on Strategic Planning, its first offering for the year designed to provide officers and staff of the bureaucracy the needed competencies for formulating the different elements of a strategic plan. The course, which was held last April 23-27 at the DAP continue reading : DAP conducts training on Strategic Planning

DAP implements first basic project management course

The Development Academy of the Philippines, through its Center for Governance- Operations Management Office, recently implemented the Course on Basic Project Management for the first batch of participants in the said course, a five-day live-out training designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the concepts and approaches in managing development programs and projects. The sessions, continue reading : DAP implements first basic project management course

Ateneo dean, COA director speak on citizen-engaged governance in DAP ‘Kartilya’ session

Strong institutions, accountable governments, disciplined citizens as well as participatory governance play a big part in a country’s long-term growth and development. This was the gist of the messages delivered by resource persons Dean Ronald Mendoza of the Ateneo School of Government and Director Aida Maria Talavera of the Commission on Audit during the Development continue reading : Ateneo dean, COA director speak on citizen-engaged governance in DAP ‘Kartilya’ session

E-government and regulatory reform in public sector productivity

The Development Academy of the Philippines, through its Center of Excellence on Public Sector Productivity (COE-PSP) Program, conducted its second Kartilya session entitled “Good Governance and Regulatory Management” last March 16 as part of its public sector productivity seminar series this year. The said session, which was held at the Virata Hall, aimed to establish continue reading : E-government and regulatory reform in public sector productivity

DAP hosts pilot run of APO workshop on developing public sector productivity specialists

The Development Academy of the Philippines recently hosted the Asian Productivity Organization’s “Workshop on Developing Productivity Specialists in the Public Sector” at the O.D. Corpuz Hall at the DAP Building in Pasig City.  The workshop, which was attended by 28 participants from 14 APO member countries, was conducted to confirm the quality and relevance of continue reading : DAP hosts pilot run of APO workshop on developing public sector productivity specialists

Expert assists DAP in concept development for Future Center and Innovation Laboratory

The first Future Center and Innovation Laboratory will be set up in the country as the Development Academy of the Philippines plans to establish a dedicated facility that is envisioned to help government agencies and other stakeholders co-create solutions to “wicked” problems through a new, innovative approach. The first step to this trail-blazing project was continue reading : Expert assists DAP in concept development for Future Center and Innovation Laboratory

Moving forward with the TRAIN

The Center of Excellence on Public Sector Productivity is sponsoring 11 Kartilya sessions for the 2018 Productivity Series centering on relevant issues and concerns affecting national development and productivity. These issues have been identified as tax reforms, e-government, regulatory management, knowledge management and innovation, citizen-centered governance, lean management, business excellence, big data analytics, fair competition, continue reading : Moving forward with the TRAIN

DAP conducts training on basic monitoring and evaluation for Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority

A total of 27 personnel from the Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority (PhilFIDA) underwent training on basic monitoring and evaluation recently at the DA-PCAF Building at the Department of Agriculture Compound in Diliman, Quezon City. PhilFIDA Executive Director Kennedy Costales  during the program called for the need to protect the fiber industry by improving the continue reading : DAP conducts training on basic monitoring and evaluation for Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority

Let’s refocus on DAP’s original vision – Chairman Guevarra

The Development Academy of the Philippines’ Chairman of the Board, Senior Deputy Executive Secretary Menardo Guevarra, urged employees of the institution to “refocus” on the original vision of the DAP in the wake of two leadership changes it has undergone over the past year.  Chair Guevarra, speaking before a general assembly of DAP employees at continue reading : Let’s refocus on DAP’s original vision – Chairman Guevarra