The Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) will present the key results of the nationwide 2021 Business Satisfaction e-Survey (e-BizSat) on frontline government services at the Third Symposium on Institutionalizing Service Quality Standards: Best Practices in Using Evidence-based Service Quality Standards to Delight Citizens and Business Clients, on 30 June 2022, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, via YouTube streaming.
The symposium, to be implemented by the DAP-Productivity and Development Center (DAP-PDC) under its Government Quality Management Program, will also discuss local and international best practices in using client-based service standards and provide an opportunity for participants to appreciate the value of determining customer satisfaction levels to help improve the quality of frontline services. “It is high time that government agencies and local government units utilize the survey results as evidence-based inputs to improve the design and delivery of frontline government service in the new normal that will help increase the satisfaction levels of citizen and business clients,” says PDC-Productivity Development Research Office (PDRO) Director Monica Saliendres.
The symposium is open to all private and public sector organizations. Are you interested in learning best practices in using evidence-based service quality standards to meet client expectations? Then join us and register via link: https://bit.ly/SQS2022symposium.

Registration Coordinator: Ms. Lurilene Ramirez
Mobile No: 09282705464 Lurilene A. Ramirez
Email address: pdc.pdro@dap.edu.ph
Website: pdc@dap.edu.p
Social Media: facebook.com/dap.pdc