DAP and DTI conduct SPARTA online roadshow for DTI employees

The Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) held an online Smarter Philippines through Data Analytics, Research and Development, Training and Adoption (SPARTA) roadshow for DTI employees and participating bureaus last March 2 to promote Data Science and Analytics (DSA). The roadshow introduced Project SPARTA and discussed the continue reading : DAP and DTI conduct SPARTA online roadshow for DTI employees

CDA-CALABARZON tackles Analytics, features SPARTA in Usapang Bayanihan eCoop Forum

The Development Academy of the Philippines Project Smarter Philippines through Data Analytics, R&D, Training, and Adoption (SPARTA) was featured in the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) Region IV-A CALABARZON Extension Office’s “12th Usapang Bayanihan eCoop Forum” on December 13, 2021. SPARTA Deputy Project Manager Nikko Visperas and Coursebank Instructional Design Lead Jaclyn Sangalang presented to the continue reading : CDA-CALABARZON tackles Analytics, features SPARTA in Usapang Bayanihan eCoop Forum