DAP CBILLS Showcases Program Highlights in its 2023 Annual Report

DAP President and CEO, Dr. Majah-Leah Ravago (second from right), along with DAP Vice President Imelda Caluen (left), turns over the CBILLS 2023 Annual Report to Senate Deputy Secretary, Atty. Arnel Jose Bañas (second from left) and House Deputy Secretary General Atty. Jennelyn Go-Sison (right) during the Opening Ceremony. Quezon City, Philippines – The Development continue reading : DAP CBILLS Showcases Program Highlights in its 2023 Annual Report

PDC Annual Report

PDC’s 2022 Annual Report is available here: https://heyzine.com/flip-book/8412e173f6.html#page/56 We are excited to share our accomplishments for 2022, from the milestones of major programs and projects and successful events to the collaborative efforts of the officers and personnel. Special thanks go out to our clients, partners, and stakeholders whose support made these achievements possible. Our key continue reading : PDC Annual Report