DAP Conference Center’s On-the-Spot Painting Competition

Calling all talented Fine Arts College, Senior High School-Arts and Designs Track, and mentors of participating schools! Join the “On-the-Spot Painting Competition” organized by the DAP Conference Center (DAPCC)! Date: June 19-20, 2023 Location: DAP Conference Center, Tagaytay City Join us in celebrating the 50th founding anniversary of the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) by continue reading : DAP Conference Center’s On-the-Spot Painting Competition

PCIC gets satisfactory rating in 2022, DAP survey says

The Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC) obtained a satisfactory rating for its services according to the 2022 Customer Satisfaction Survey conducted by the Development Academy of the Philippines’ Center for Governance (DAP-CFG). “The PCIC should continue improving its services to exceed the expectations of primary clients as well as to address identified priority areas to continue reading : PCIC gets satisfactory rating in 2022, DAP survey says

DAP sa Mindanao launches Digital Transformation of BARMM Education Project

May 8, 2023 – The Development Academy of the Philippines through its regional office, DAP sa Mindanao (DsM) inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Lenovo Philippines, DFNN, Inc., Ideacorp, Inc., Mindanao State University Tawi Tawi College of Technology and Oceanography, Mindanao State University Maguindanao, Intelimina Systems, Inc., and KaISIPan, at the DAP Pasig City. continue reading : DAP sa Mindanao launches Digital Transformation of BARMM Education Project

DAP Commences 2023 CBILLS Program for Congress

The Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), through its Center for Governance (CFG) Policy Research Office, officially commenced the 2023 Capability Building on Innovative Leadership for Legislative Staff (CBILLS) program on April 20 at the Senate of the Philippines in Pasay City. DAP President and CEO, Atty. Engelbert Caronan, Jr., welcomed the 80 learners from continue reading : DAP Commences 2023 CBILLS Program for Congress

DAP continues to empower leaders, opens 10th batch of LGEMC

The Development Academy of the Philippines, through its Public Management Development Program, introduced the new scholars of the Local Government Executives and Managers Class (LGEMC) Batch 10 in a virtual Opening Ceremony held via Zoom on April 24, 2023. Some 29 local chief executives and local government managers from 27 local government units. LGEMC Batch continue reading : DAP continues to empower leaders, opens 10th batch of LGEMC

TransCo customers satisfied with services, says DAP survey

The primary customers of the National Transmission Corporation (TransCo) were satisfied with its services as shown by the results of the customer satisfaction survey conducted by the Development Academy of the Philippines’ Center for Governance (DAP-CFG). The results were reported by Gilbert Lumantao, director of the DAP-CFG Policy Research Office, during the presentation of the continue reading : TransCo customers satisfied with services, says DAP survey

DAP to relaunch Onofre D. Corpuz Lecture Series (ODC Lecture Series)

SAVE THE DATE! The Onofre D. Corpuz Lecture Series Relaunching on June 05, 2023, 2:00 to 5:00 PM Watch via the following platforms: DAPpers and alumni: DAP Facebook page (www.facebook.com/dap.edu.ph) and DAP website (https://dap.edu.ph) Fellows and DAP officers: https://zoom.us/j/96238775851… or use this meeting ID: 962 3877 5851 Featured Topic: The DAP’s role in a Volatile, Uncertain, continue reading : DAP to relaunch Onofre D. Corpuz Lecture Series (ODC Lecture Series)

DAP and APO conduct training course on smart transformation for agribusiness

The Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) through its Productivity and Development Center (PDC) and the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) recently launched the training course on Smart Transformation for Agribusiness, which introduced affordable technologies and showcased best practices of enterprises that have successfully adopted smart technology in agribusiness. The course runs from May 8-12, 2023 continue reading : DAP and APO conduct training course on smart transformation for agribusiness