The Development Academy of the Philippines-Productivity and Development Center is pleased to share with you the PDC in Focus. This digital newsletter is the quarterly news publication of PDC, which features articles on productivity, quality and innovation in the government, presented in a comprehensive and coherent manner. News on PDC activities provide an inside look continue reading : PDC IN FOCUS – PRODUCTIVITY AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER NEWSLETTER (JULY 2022)

DAP Hackathon

  Do you have creative ideas to address development challenges of LGUs today? This event is for you! Join our HACKATHON on September 13-15 at DAP Conference Center-Tagaytay. Register here: http://hackathon-sccnetwork.dap.edu.ph/

DAP Tackles Agricultural Liberalization in CBILLS Thursday Talks

In the third installment of the Capability Building on Innovative Leadership for Legislative Staff (CBILLS) Program’s Thursday Talks: Webinar Series on Socio-Political and Economic Perspectives, the Development Academy of the Philippines, through its Center for Governance-Policy Research Office (CFG-PRO), discussed issues on agricultural liberalization with a webinar entitled “Agricultural Liberalization: Where Do We Go From continue reading : DAP Tackles Agricultural Liberalization in CBILLS Thursday Talks

DAP holds second 2022 CBILLS Thursday Talks

The Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), through the Center for Governance-Policy Research Office (CFG-PRO), held the second installment of the Thursday Talks: Webinar Series on Socio-Political and Economic Perspectives titled “Accelerating the Potential of Digital Economy for MSMEs” under the Capability Building on Innovative Leadership for Legislative Staff (CBILLS) Program. The webinar featured: Senator continue reading : DAP holds second 2022 CBILLS Thursday Talks

DAP concludes training on M&E for MMDA personnel

Participants of the Training on Monitoring and Evaluation for the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority with their training certificates after their three-day activity. Director Gilbert Lumantao (second row, right) and members of the project team join them as they pose for a class picture. Photo by: Lean Rius Morales   The Development Academy of the Philippines, continue reading : DAP concludes training on M&E for MMDA personnel

DAP and GRIPS renew partnership, talk about future projects

The Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) renewed its partnership with the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) Japan through a ceremonial signing conducted via the Zoom platform in June. This is the second memorandum of understanding between the DAP and GRIPS Japan, further extending their eight-year partnership. DAP President and CEO, Atty. Engelbert continue reading : DAP and GRIPS renew partnership, talk about future projects

SPARTA introduces new course and pathway certificates

Project Smarter Philippines through Data Analytics, Research and Development, Training, and Adoption (SPARTA) introduced an updated version of its course and pathway certificates during the launching of its microspecialization pathways. The updated certificates now bear the signature of Atty. Engelbert Caronan, Jr., president and CEO, of the project’s implementing agency–Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP). continue reading : SPARTA introduces new course and pathway certificates

SPARTA holds virtual roadshow for BARMM-MHSD

Project Smarter Philippines through Data Analytics, Research and Development, Training and Adoption (SPARTA) held an online roadshow for the employees of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao-Ministry of Human Settlements and Development (BARMM-MHSD) on July 19, 2022. Abdulhamid C. Alawi, Jr., BARMM-MHSD chief of policy and regulation, underscored the importance of the roadshow for continue reading : SPARTA holds virtual roadshow for BARMM-MHSD