DAP Developments: Eminent Fellows Mull Over DAP’s Role in Nation Building (April 23, 2015)

Being  true to  its  mandate  as  a premier development support institution, the  Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) has  intensified   its   role   as   catalyst   for  the  shaping of  “new, unique,  trailblazing  and  pioneering   ideas  for the country’s development” through its Council of Fellows (COF). The   COF   is   the   Academy’s  mechanism to generate, discuss,  and pilot-test, continue reading : DAP Developments: Eminent Fellows Mull Over DAP’s Role in Nation Building (April 23, 2015)

DAP Developments: PMDP’s SEC 3 Batch Sinagtala meet with counterparts in Indonesia

Knowledge Sharing. The 25 scholars of Senior Executives Class Batch 3-Sinagtala of the Public Management Development Program pose with NIPA officials PM Marpaung, Dr. Anwar San Jose and Dr. Makhdumm Priyatno after the latter lecture presentation. A breakthrough in the implementation of the Senior Executives Class (SEC) of the Public Management Development Program (PMDP), the continue reading : DAP Developments: PMDP’s SEC 3 Batch Sinagtala meet with counterparts in Indonesia

DAP Developments: 10 Local Chief Executives Successfully Hurdle MLGP Program (February 5, 2015)

10 Local Chief Executives Successfully Hurdle MLGP Program— Some 10 mayors from the Bicol region received their certificates of completion for the Municipal Leadership and Governance Program (MLGP) during the colloquium and awarding ceremony held at the Chardonnay by Astoria in Pasig City on 21 January 2015. In photo are: (first row, seated, L-R) Zuellig continue reading : DAP Developments: 10 Local Chief Executives Successfully Hurdle MLGP Program (February 5, 2015)

DAP Developments: DAP partners with Mandaluyong City for Child-Friendly Governance Course (January 7, 2015)

DAP-Graduate School of Public and Development Management (GSPDM) received 32 health post kits from the World Health Organization (WHO) Philippines last 18 December 2014. Turned over by WHO Country Representative to the Philippines, Dr. Julie Hall, each medical kit contain tools and supplies that will be used by doctors serving Yolanda-affected provinces under  the Department continue reading : DAP Developments: DAP partners with Mandaluyong City for Child-Friendly Governance Course (January 7, 2015)

DAP Developments: Child-Friendly Local Governance Course held in Naga City (December 23, 2014)

The Child-Friendly Local Governance (CFLG) Course held on November 24-28, 2014 at Avenue Plaza Hotel, Naga City was graced by Naga City’s notable local officials. Hon. John G. Bongat, Naga City Mayor, opened the five-day training course on CFLG with a very inspiring message. He emphasized that being a child-friendly city was not easy to continue reading : DAP Developments: Child-Friendly Local Governance Course held in Naga City (December 23, 2014)