Members of the Programs Management Team led by SVP Magdalena Mendoza are a picture of joy as they pose for a shot during their three-day retreat in Orani, Bataan.
Members of the Programs Management Team led by SVP Magdalena Mendoza are a picture of joy as they pose for a shot during their three-day retreat in Orani, Bataan.

A venue to reflect while aiming to harness interpersonal relations, strengthen team performance and increase  organizational team spirit was provided to some 21  managers of the Programs Management Team when the group went on a three-day retreat last March 2-4 in Orani, Bataan.

The retreat, a brainchild of Senior Vice President for Programs Magdalena L. Mendoza, was presided over by Fr. Albert E. Alejo, S.J., who acted as resource person and facilitator of the event held at the refreshing Tanawin Bed and Breakfast at the Sinagtala Farm Resort of the said town west of Pampanga in Central Luzon.

With “Paring Bert,” as Fr. Alejo is called by acquaintances, setting the tone, the 21 officers were provided an opportunity to reflect even as the value of such an activity in gaining perspective and in building strength for what lies ahead was emphasized before them.

Thoughts stirred

The sessions stirred thoughts of gratefulness, personal mission, public service, and personal integrity among the participants.

Fr. Alejo stressed during the course of the activity that effective leaders thrive by understanding who they are as they acquire the habit of continuous self-reflection.  It is in the constant purification of intentions, Fr. Alejo said, that a     culture of transparency, integrity, efficiency and service is developed.

Each office under Programs Management – Productivity and Development Center, Center for Governance,    Sustainable Human Development Program, and Public Management and Development Program – completed an improvement action plan dedicated to enhancing its operational and relational effectiveness during the retreat.  The members of the management team also pledged their commitment to support one another through the virtue of humility and camaraderie while keeping a unified vision of uplifting the Filipino people.

Retreat’s start

The three-day retreat began with a primer and “getting to know you better” activity that enabled the participants to break inhibitions and create a deeper level of familiarity among their co-managers and directors through sharing of both personal and professional details.

With the cool mountain breeze welcoming them even as the cozy house seemed to serve as refuge with its view overlooking Pampanga and the rest of Bataan, the participants were able to reflect individually and collectively, and realize the importance of preserving relationships and acknowledging the joy of leadership in public service.

Ms. Mendoza said that in due time, she expects that her team would eventually be able to create fun memories together outside the four walls of the office starting with the recent activity.