Some 30 program and project officers from the Department of Health (DOH) central and   regional offices  wen t through   an  intensive  six-day  course  on  project  management at  the  Development  Academy  of  the  Philippines (DAP) conference  center in Tagaytay City on 24-29 August 2015.

The course, titled “Capability Enhancement on Project Management for DOH Program/Project Development Officers,” aimed to equip the participants with a deeper understanding of the concepts, principles, techniques, and approaches on project identification, project designing, project implementation planning, as well as project organization and management. The participants also drafted their context-sensitive proposals that are coherent with the agency deliverables or major final outputs (MFOs) for their respective regional offices as training outputs.

Participants work in groups in one of their activities on program management. (Photo credits: CFG)
Participants work in groups in one of their activities on program management. (Photo credits: CFG)

In his welcome address, DAP President Antonio D. Kalaw, Jr. described development as “a complete loop” that starts from introduction of ideas to people and takes place only when that idea is institutionalized. He said that project management is an important tool used to translate ideas into  programs and projects and to generate the kind of results that lead towards the desired development.

DAP President Antonio D. Kalaw, Jr. discusses the significance of project management in an organization during his welcome remarks. (Photo credits: CFG)
DAP President Antonio D. Kalaw, Jr. discusses the significance of project management in an organization during his welcome remarks. (Photo credits: CFG)

The DOH – Health Human Resource  Development Bureau (DOH-HHRDB) sought the assistance of DAP – Center for Governance’ Local Governance and Development Office  to customize the course based on their requirements. This intervention is part of the health department’s continuing efforts to develop and implement strategies to improve the country’s health care   system.  (JODarish)