As part of its 50th founding anniversary celebration, the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) conducted the second run of the Onofre D. Corpuz Lecture Series on August 10, 2023, with Former Department of Agrarian Reform Secretary and DAP Eminent Fellow Ernesto D. Garilao as guest speaker who discussed the “Role of DAP in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world (Past, Present and Future)”

Guest Speaker Former Department of Agrarian Reform Secretary and DAP Eminent Fellow Ernesto D. Garilao (left) with panel reactors DAP Eminent Fellow Edicio dela Torre (upper right), DAP Sustainable Human Development Program Director Dorothea Boy-Navarro (middle right), and DAP Fellow Reuel Hermoso (lower right)

Panel reactors to Garilao’s presentation include Eminent Fellow Edicio dela Torre, DAP Sustainable Human Development Program Director Dorothea Boy-Navarro, and DAP Fellow Reuel Hermoso.

In his welcome message, DAP Vice President and Senior Executive Fellow Alan Cajes underscored the importance for DAP to reflect on its long-standing mandate to support the country’s development force, and to re-examine its position in an ever-changing and technologically-driven VUCA world. And one way to do this, Cajes said, is by fostering areas of fruitful discussions and avenues of conversation and discourse, such as the ODC Lecture Series.

The Onofre D. Corpuz (ODC) Lecture Series was designed in honor of the DAP’s first president, Dr. Onofre D. Corpuz.  It served as a continuing education program of the DAP’s School of Productivity, Governance and Management (SPGM) – Institute of Public Management (IPM). Further, it aims to update and keep the public managers informed of the emerging public sector concerns and trends.  Through enlightened discussion with featured speakers, the public managers are expected to gain a better understanding of the dynamic environment in which they operate.

The ODC series on public sector management highlighted the DAP’s long-standing concern and lifetime work to support a critical development force that both steered and rowed the country in its development course.

The lecture series, which was relaunched on June 05, 2023, runs from June to November 2023 via hybrid modality: onsite at the Leonides Virata Hall, DAP Pasig City and online via Zoom communications platform.