A total of 27 delegates from the Philippine Congress completed a five-day benchmarking study mission it conducted in Japan last June, which is the last component of the Capability Building on Innovative Leadership for Legislative Staff Program designed for staffers of Congress.

Implemented by the Development Academy of the Philippines’ Center for Governance in partnership with the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Japan, the study missionwas aimed at sharpening the knowledge of the local legislative staff on the new trends and competencies required for legislators and other public sector leaders, and enabling them to analyze and compare the different approaches and challenges of the legislative process in both the Philippines and Japan.

The study mission started with a courtesy visit to the Philippine Embassy in Japan where the delegates, headed by Senator Joseph Victor Ejercito, joined the flag ceremony and had a brief orientation on the cordial relationship between the Philippines and Japan from Ambassador Jose C. Laurel.

The delegates then proceeded to the GRIPS for their first two lectures on leadership and public sector innovation model.  The first day ended with a welcome cocktail, where GRIPS President Akihiko Tanaka welcomed the delegates and shared how invaluable the DAP is as a partner and as a link in fostering cultural and knowledge sharing between the Philippines and Japan.

Lectures during the five-day training included Japan’s political setup, intergovernmental relations of the national and local governments, and the structure and role of the Diet.  Delegates also had the opportunity to visit Mitaka City, a public sector model that showcased how the local government collaborates with its community.

The highlight of the benchmarking mission was the onsite sharing session at the Japanese Diet where the delegates were welcomed by the Secretary General of the House of Representatives, Shinji Mukoono, and interacted with their counterparts.  Both technical legislative secretariats then had a rich exchange on the best practices and experiences of their respective offices before the delegates were treated to a tour inside the Diet.

The highlight of the benchmarking mission was the onsite sharing session at the Japanese Diet where the delegates were welcomed by the Secretary General of the House of Representatives, Shinji Mukoono, and interacted with their counterparts.  Both technical legislative secretariats then had a rich exchange on the best practices and experiences of their respective offices before the delegates were treated to a tour inside the Diet.

The delegates that participated in the benchmarking study mission were: Senator JV Ejercito, who acted as mission leader; Director General Yolanda Doblon, Director Eireen R. Palanca, Director Victoria C. Francia, Lucia G. Facultad, Noemi S. Sabornido, Yvonne A. Tupaz, Leslie Ann S. Leong-Anudin, Carlo Antonio C. Juarez, Romel C. Patacsil, Ma. Christina S. Carpio and Lester A. Francia from the Legislative Budget Research and Monitoring Office (LBRMO); Angela Celeste C. Dimalanta, Jocelyn G. Lim, Esperanza R. Manahan, Ma. Socorro S. Mendoza, Maria Josefa A. Mien, Liza M. Mijares, Yvonnie G. Ramos, Maria Lourdes T. Uy, Victorio R. Liscano, Leo Manuel O. Leaño and Sylvette A. Pono from the Committee on Appropriations; and Atty. Sheryl I. Vargas, Atty. Joanna Maries V, Atty. Jaye Loren Rondal and Ayn Rand Nepomuceno from the Office of Senator Ejercito.