Civil Service Commission Chairperson Alicia de la Rosa-Bala recently urged the Development Academy of the Philippines to “remain captured” by the initial burst of passion and inspiration that its founding fathers harnessed to establish the government’s premier research and training institution 45 years ago in 1973. 

Speaking at the DAP’s 45th anniversary celebration at the DAP Conference Center in Tagaytay City, Chair Bala said that the DAP was created with “the inspired spirit and the strong desire” of its founding fathers, former Education Secretary Onofre D. Corpuz and former Development Bank of the Philippines Chairperson Leonides S. Virata, for excellent public service, and the Academy’s current generation of employees should thus honor them by “following their footsteps. 
 “I encourage the DAP to remain captured by that initial burst of passion and inspiration 45 years ago,” Chair Bala said.  “Do not lose your vision and remain steadfast in your goal to accelerate development in the country.  Your service to the Filipino people is much appreciated and lauded.” 
The CSC Chair cited the three attributes that the institution used as theme for its anniversary: “dangal, galing, tatag.”  She said that honor was demonstrated by the DAP’s founders when they decided to pursue a noble endeavor by working on the establishment of a development-oriented academy for the civilian bureaucracy and an academy that would develop a new generation of leaders. “We honor them by following their footsteps of leading and inspiring people, and of bringing them together to create something bigger than themselves,” she said. 
Any noble vision like the DAP, however, cannot be successful without skill and proficiency, Chair Bala said, and the only way to match the grand vision of the DAP is to ensure excellence in its execution.  “Without excellence as the standard, it is easy to fall into mediocrity or complacence,” she said. 
Chair Bala declared that doing things excellently is a reputation that the DAP has championed over the years.  “You have set an example to generation after generation of professionals who underwent training under your wings.  As (the) DAP continues with its mission, I hope that you will also continue to build a culture of excellence in the government,” she said. 
But Chair Bala told the more than 600 employees gathered at the DAPCC that the last attribute of courage needs to be harnessed in large doses if they are to build an even stronger institution.  She said that had the DAP’s pioneers wavered in their resolve to see their vision through, the people would not be enjoying what the Academy is able to offer today. 
“With strength, consistency, and resilience, (the) DAP was able to sustain and improve (itself) year after year.  Your dependability and dedication as professionals and public servants have surely built a stronger DAP.  I hope you remain strong in the next 45 years as we meet greater challenges and bigger needs,” she declared. 
She concluded by stressing the importance of molding the next generation of leaders who will uphold the principles of public service excellence while serving as “game changers” in the government. 
“We are one with you in promoting excellence in service and nationalism in the field of consultancy, training, and continuing education,” Chair Bala said. – Bert A. Ramirez