The Academy, through its Modernizing Government Regulations Program, would like regulatory agencies to participate, as a potential beneficiary, in the project entitled, “Capability Development Assistance on Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA).” The attached guidelines provide detailed information regarding the project.

In the light of signing of the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018 and its specific provision on the conduct of RIA on regulatory proposals, the project aims to develop the capability of regulatory agencies in conducting RIA toward improving the quality and coherence of regulations.

Please note that this is an Academy-sponsored project. Expression of Interest can be submitted to, Attn: Ms. Lea S. Peralta. Should you need further clarification, she may be reached at the indicated email address above or through telephone number (02) 631-2163.


PDF Guidelines on the Provision of Capability Development Assistance on Regulatory Impact Analysis
DOC Form Template – Expression of Interest
DOC Form Template – Required Attachments