President Rodrigo Duterte drew from the Development Academy of the Philippines’ mandate during his State of the Nation Address last July 24, saying that one of his administration’s key thrusts is the restoration of the faith and trust of citizens in their government by increasing its productivity and eventually the efficiency and quality of government services.  This developed even as the DAP, in response, has set a public sector productivity conference this coming October.

The President’s message is a direct reference to the DAP’s mandate as the government’s think tank and consultancy group as well as training and educational institution in public management and quality management.

‘Patience wearing thin’

“The people’s patience is wearing thin.  So is mine.  I am reiterating my directive to all government agencies from frontline services to our people from womb to tomb – to further streamline their respective services to make these truly efficient, and people-friendly,” Duterte declared.  “We want to ensure that our people receive the quality services that they deserve, minus the delays caused by bureaucratic red tape.  I expect speedy reforms along this line.”

The President reiterated his administration’s commitment to improve public service delivery by making processes simpler, more efficient, and more citizen-centered.  Aside from reestablishing law and order, reducing poverty incidence, and pushing for a more inclusive growth, the restoration of the faith and trust of citizens in its government was cited by the Chief Executive as one his administration’s key thrusts.

Increasing public sector productivity

He added that the proposed reform of existing government procurement laws, usage of information and communication technology for faster and easier public service delivery, and the passage of the government right-sizing bill are all part of his government’s efforts to increase public sector productivity.

In line with the said thrust by the President, the Philippines, through the DAP, will be hosting the International Conference on Public Sector Productivity.  The conference, which is jointly sponsored and organized with the Asian Productivity Organization, will be held on October 10 to 11, 2017 at the DAP Conference Center in Tagaytay City.

A collective effort

With the theme “Transforming the Public Sector in the Age of Innovation,” the two-day conference aims to stimulate a collective effort to transform the public sector through innovations in productivity improvement while achieving national goals and societal outcomes.

The event will also serve as an opportunity for the participants – which are expected to come from the ranks of public sector individuals as well as other interested professionals in the Philippines and other countries – to share knowledge and inspire radical reforms in the public sector that are aligned with emerging trends, technologies, methodologies and innovations to impact productivity in combination with new policies.

Interested individuals may check the conference website at or e-mail the organizers at for more details.