DAP President Antonio Kalaw Jr. speaks at the turnover of the 2017-2022 strategic plan that the DAP helped craft for the Bureau of Plant Industry during the latter’s 87th anniversary program.  Also in picture are BPI OIC-Director Vivencio Mamaril and Assistant Director Jennifer Remoquillo, among others.  DAP President Antonio Kalaw Jr. speaks at the turnover of the 2017-2022 strategic plan that the DAP helped craft for the Bureau of Plant Industry during the latter’s 87th anniversary program. Also in picture are BPI OIC-Director Vivencio Mamaril and Assistant Director Jennifer Remoquillo, among others.

The Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) has turned over the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) 2017-2022 Strategic Plan in one of the highlights of the agency’s 87th Anniversary celebration last January.  DAP President Antonio D. Kalaw Jr. turned over the document that the DAP helped craft to Bureau of Plant Industry OIC-Director Vivencio R. Mamaril and Assistant Director Jennifer E. Remoquillo.

President Kalaw, in his turnover speech, expressed his gratitude to the Bureau for the partnership that it forged with the DAP in setting its strategic direction.  He echoed the Academy’s desire for the bureau to realize its vision that was collectively crafted and enshrined in the plan.

The DAP’s intervention, through its Center for Governance-Operations Management Office (CfG-OMO), facilitated the crafting of the Bureau of Plant Industry’s six-year strategic plan as well as the alignment of each delivery unit’s scorecard.

Bible for six years

In his acceptance speech, meanwhile, Mamaril declared that the said plan will serve as the BPI’s bible for the next six years.  He informed the audience that the plan would be made available online and invited everyone to keep an eye on his agency’s targets and performance.

The anniversary celebration, with the theme “Pagkaing Sapat, Abot Kaya ng Lahat,” was held at the bureau’s Malate, Manila office and was also graced by Department of Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel F. Piñol as the anniversary program’s guest speaker.

Piñol, for his part, emphasized the need to restore the dignity of the Agriculture office and vowed to support his officials in the delivery of their mandate.  He pointed out that the agency has set directions and goals that should be met before the end of President Rodrigo Duterte’s term.

Necessity of change stressed

Secretary Piñol stressed that change is necessary for improvement and that reforms have to be implemented to change the people’s perception of the Agriculture Department.  A farmer himself, he challenged everyone to turn into reality the dreams and aspirations of every Filipino farmer.  With his desire to foster a corrupt-free department, he reminded all DA and BPI employees to live up to the highest standards of government service.

Also highlighting the bureau’s anniversary program was the unveiling of its Strategy Map that illustrates its six-year road map.  Select farmers and seed growers also shared how the BPI has helped them become successful in their field during the program.

Making food available and affordable

Earlier, Remoquillo opened the program by stressing the role of the agency in making food available and affordable to every Filipino.  This year’s theme was primarily anchored on the government’s thrust to achieve food sufficiency.

Also attending the celebration were the organization’s senior and key officers, staff and key stakeholders and beneficiaries.  These included, besides Kalaw and Piñol, DA Undersecretary for Operations Ariel Cayanan, DA Undersecretary for High Value Crops and Rural Credit Evelyn Laviña, DA Assistant Secretary for Regulations Hansel Didulo, and regional directors and other officials.  Guests from other organizations such as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), and the Australian Embassy also attended the ceremonies.